Tinseltown? No - A Cesspit: The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

https://youtu.be/Ah4LS-zRNRU http://www.twitter.com/@WuTangClan Royal
Revolution S.A. Official soundtrack cause the ‘Revolution will be televised’
#MufaChucker #catastrophe

Prince Rupert will lay waste to
Parliament by petition 5/11/2017
http://princerupertoftherhinescavalry.blogspot.com  Facebook + Twitter + tumblr if you are
'revolting' help lay waste to Parliament email;
princerupertcavalier@gmail.com https://www.twitter.com/@PrinceRupert20
Prince Rupert advises that the
following Blogs and Vlogs can change the ‘ugly face’ of British Politics and
his Highness ‘the Executioner’ Prince Rupert of the Rhine is not referring that
the replacement of Theresa May has anything to do with her being an ‘ugly face’
but the true picture of Parliaments chronic catastrophic failure to ever offer
a ‘good virtuous thing’ to the majority of the British People since 1688 whilst
greasing the deep offshore and hidden wealth of the tax-avoiding Elite
super-rich and their financial sponges the corporations and in particular your
‘bankrupt’ Banks who are fleeing the City for the relative safety of communist
countries of the far east NOW that Capitalism has collapsed leaving the 99%
bankrupt and in debt and your Government is lying to you for they too are
bankrupt hanging on to Austerity as Theresa May conducts £2trillion Saudi
Arabian arms sale deals whilst the Bank of England squanders our heritage with
Quantative easing which = printing invented binary digits on H.M. Government
computers knowing that purchasing power is lost and hyperinflation follows the
stagflation hoping that Trump allows the Federal Reserve to continue issuing
debt and that ‘YOU’ the people continue to have the wool pulled over your eyes
and you continue as suffering subject slaves of your true Governing Body, your
overall commanders; THE ILLUMINATI as Theresa May only leads their puppets and
like a mind controlled cloned career politician spouts lies and conducts false
flags in order to keep ‘YOU’ in fear and under control by their being given credence
every 4 years or so by ‘YOU’ actually voting in the façade for the enemy of the
state successive governments who take power via only 33.3% of the electorate
voting for them even though the Tories fiddle the elections via ‘Rotten
Boroughs’ that are Tory Blue-Bloodline new town builds and other under hand
methods that you will uncover once you come to your senses start believing that
the conspiracies are usually true. The main conspiracies you need to pay
attention to is the   
http://agenda21news.com/2014/07/agenda-21-dummies-new-world-order-depopulation-exposed/  UN Agenda 21 Depopulation by extermination of
95% of the world’s population  
https://youtu.be/bMeXSlGJZYc and Codex
Alimentarius removing all nutrients from the world’s food supply which is held
in the hands of US Chemical giant corporations who also produce the ‘napsalm’
type poisons for the google ‘chemtrails’ exposed as your DNA is turned to goo
under instructions from the shadow US government who carry out the #OBAMAPLAN
led H.A.R.R.P. WMD weather control program responsible for the ferocity of
recent storms in the GULF of MEXICO & HAARP, UN, USA SHOCKING NEWS
http://www.globalresearch.ca/haarp-secret-weapon-used-for-weather-modification-electromagnetic-warfare/20407  WAKE UP use google search before Theresa May
closes it down as O’Google refuse to bail out the bankrupt UK government
joining all US megacorpse you think who refuse to pay their tax bills which
includes the Pariahs; Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Intel et al based in
Dublin and Luxembourg yet doing their business in UK. NHS the National Hell
Service is bankrupt and the King’s fund has declared it ‘not fit for purpose’
and the Red Cross has declared the NHS an International disaster zone and have
begun working in every UK Hospital to do the work that NHS employees can’t
manage and the NHS is the 4th largest employer in the world and the
largest employer in Europe and it is a one stop hell hole to the Graveyard as
not one #BigPharma Pharmaceutical drug works to cure a disease most of which
are invented, manufactured and patented by the US Government as part of the UN
depopulation programme because drug industry USA is the business of death where
instead of cures they prolong life so they sell more drugs you still die as
there is nothing a Doctor can do but prescribe drugs and the real natural cures
homeopathy is banned by the NHS on behalf of #BigPharma who bung Doctors backhanders
to prescribe expensive drugs that are not needed because no pharmaceutical drug
is needed they don’t work, social care is defunct and the Labour Party conference
promise to borrow and spend £312 Billion when the present Government is
bankrupt and its ‘YOU’ who owes the money and will have to pay it back and you
won’t see any benefit you poor souls are being lied to because your mind
controlled in the US Government MATRIX and you feed the Reptile Aliens in
underground bunkers in the US and Alaska with human consciousness and your NRG because
dear children of GOD the Lord Jesus Christ says so and he rules ya so buckle up
and be revolting like wot the Elite think you are and follow the saviour to
glory and be a rebel with a cause save your own life sign the petition. And the
Government show you they don’t represent the people as the peoples referendum was
#Brexit but they fail to execute your will and the travesty of injustice where
the peoples vote = #BREXIT continues to dominate the Hollywood media rags that
feed you fake news to keep you occupied while they conduct Illuminati
depopulation Agenda 21 and look where you are still paying the 21% VAT which
was sold to us to cover our levy to join the great powerhouse of the world the
4th Reich German Empire puppets called the E.E.C. which I have my
Horus eye on because if we had left Europe as we voted to the morning after the
voting con of the century #THE PEOPLES REFERENDUM as your government and
parliament lied to you as hindsight is a great teller; WE NEVER LEFT as the
Tories laugh at you from their west end clubs with their Euro holiday homes as
they fiddle their expenses time and time again but keep you in the dark under
national security legislation and when the not so honourable David Cameron fell
on Boris Johnson’s Brexit sword before seeing that his people were shepherded
safely away from the EEC New World Order Globalist cabal of genocidal maniacs
in M+S suits of the European parliament Illuminati puppet show leaving you
fixed firmly on a depopulation programme of destruction of the human race. The
government is an elite place of corruption so you have to do battle Vs Evik ROYALIST
NEWS; Intergalactic Federation of Light channel Mount Olympus Pantheon of Gods
+ Goddesses;
http://royalistnews.horusisisosirisfellowship.org   The time is right for Her Majesty the Queen
to take over full legislative and administrative control over the United
Kingdom and Parliament returns to its original purpose; TAX Collecting and they
need not step outside of the Clubs, Secret Societies and guests of the Lord
Mayors Dinner in the City of London to collect back taxes from the 313
Illuminati bloodline families going back to the so called beginning of the
Roman Empire for the Empire HAS never succeeded to elected Governments of
corruption and is in fact the Ruler of the Universe AUGUSTUS CAESAR now
returning to the World to correct some anomalies like why has GODS Divine Right
of Kings clause to your wellbeing not continued round about the
Parliamentarians rewriting of the Holy Bible and confuting GODS word into an
Agenda for Babylon the Catholic Church where latest police figures conclude 1
in a 100 priests are paedophiles and your government is at it too: 
https://youtu.be/qR0PYzPpTq4  ~ Enough; support the following and get ready
to sign the petitions to dissolve Parliament and take like a dose of salts ~
once tried never forgotten! Comment, share, wake up, revolt, Sir Geoffrey
Boycott, protest, reclaim yourselves as Sovereign Beings
‘God’s gift’ free will thinkers, this
is now officially the New Age of Aquarius and the dark evil alien reptilians of
the Illuminati can’t stay in the open long enough to argue with a mass of
revolting humans. And you will be sick to the stomach when you wake up to the
Elite technocrat’s treatment of your children for they are paedophiles;
ROYALIST NEWS; Intergalactic Federation of Light CHANNEL Mount Olympus Pantheon
of Gods Goddesses
Search youtube.com for videos;
ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES: Sacrifice and Ritual Abuse of Children + CIA Deathbed
Confession by RichieFromBoston @youtube.com CELEBRITY SECRETS + The Price of
Fame + When Satan Gets the Last Laugh on Celebrities + Celebs who are crazy in
real life by HollyHood as ‘YOU’ need to let go of your false idols from the
celeb culture, remember there is NO GOD before YHVH YEHOVAH ELOHIM GOD the one
and only.
MESSIAH ~ #ACHTUNG There is a snake in the grass & it is your perpetual
belief that anyone or anybody who likes like a Hollywood ideal of a ‘politician’
can stand up on a controlled mass media news channel and say “hump a tree” and
you all queue up saying yes sir, yes sir 3 bags full sir and lump it and you
have lost your sovereignty your sovereign being because your so called
government are not making the decisions over their policy they are puppets of
the United Nations and the UN WHO have allowed a ;no known cure; ‘pandemic’ of
CHOLERA get out of control in Sierra Leone and I have just rushed out of the
Birkbeck Science labs with a cure in 24 hours while for 217 years the American
Government since inventing it have failed to find proving to me that #BIGPHARMA
are using this outbreak as a mask for a GLOBAL VACCINATION MONEYSPINNER so I
CURE IS as follows;
All in situ water to be passed thru
bacteriostatic carbon
Supermarkets and Nestle to donate
clean bottled mineral water for drinking with added Himilayan Pink Salts and
Persian Blue Sea Salts
Immodium tablets
Rehydration drinks e.g. Lucozade Sport
Napoleon Brandy eau-de-vie + Scotch
Whiskey water-of-life
Tinned & Tetra pak soups + Army
kitchen overseas campaign fresh organic bread
MOD ration packs with Hex stove
Do not vaccinate anyone it does not
work and will make you more sicko long term than CHOLERA
Raw Organic Garlic + Wild Garlic
Yogi Tea Stomach Ease + PG Tips +
Yorkshire Tea + Fresh Lemons
Shovels, spades, firelighters for all
contaminated products
is part of UN Agenda 21 + Making Orphans for UNICEF personnel and Special
Ambassadors to #PEDOGATE #PIZZAGATE in ‘JESUS has got your numbers on his
target hit list’ + Apollo is Facebook @PEDOHUNTA
Contact; #MEZZANINE 0044+(0)1892891825
The Satanic Agenda of the United
Nations Exposed
fb.me/satanicun m.me/satanicun
Capitol Records UK owe Jesus $4.4
million can they pay? YES THEY CAN because the Merovingian council of 13
members are in possession of the whole damn file on KATY PERRY Inc inc CAPITOL

Prince Rupert is a fully paid up
member of; The Royal Restoration Party S.A. and The Royal Revolution Party S.A.
and the Royalists.
 (under construction ready remember remember
the 5th of November) @GUYFAWKESbonfireandfireworksociety
The Royalists are grateful to GOD KING
https://www.facebook.com/@aresgodofwar  too, it is fruitless for parliament to resist
as god plays his trump card and GOD King Pharaoh Thoth Amun-Rara the
http://godkingthoth.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/@AmunRara
becomes a member too. And divinely
leading party worker Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah 2nd coming
urges his followers to dissolve Parliament
backed up by Jesus’s wife Mary Magdalene
The following back the Royal
Revolution & declare the Conservative Party ‘unelectable in perpetuity’;
https://www.facebook.com/@OxfordUniversityConservativeAssociationThinkTank contact; King of
the Jews Jesus Christ of Westminster & Palestine (The Grim Reaper of Modern
Politics & Politicians)

Post Office Lamberhurst Royal
Tunbridge Wells Kent England GB + Chequers Inn + George and Dragon + Vineyard +
Brown Trout + Elephants Head

Prince Rupert's wife is Queen of POP
Katy Perry <3:xD Katheryn Hudson the Queen ISIS and she is behind The Royal
Restoration Party S.A. in every-way and she is a UK citizen a previous marriage
refugee and prime motivator in seeing 'old England isn't done for' yet and
loves her old man and is a chief doner to all our causes and offers our 'movement'
the full support of $500,000,000 emergency British peoples bail outta the bread
https://www.facebook.com/@GoddessAphroditeKatyHudsonKatyPerry”Cythera”   https://www.facebook.com/@ISISOfficialPartnershipTheRoyalRestorationPartySA  ‘her total contribution is only half of what
she offers’ in #HolySpirit for Katy is
http://www.tumblr.com/blog/MaryofMigdal  Mary Magdalene elevated to Ascended Master
status and her joint contribution with her son and husband;

as His Royal Highness Ascended Master HORUS
GOD KING of EGYPT allies his standard of the middle east in supporting the
Royal Revolution Party S.A. and brings his Armies to the Kentish man countryside
to share the work of the Cavaliers as GOD OF WAR. The Societeye of Horus S.A.
+Queen Ha-Mashiach
Campaign party who wish to dissolve
Parliament for ever and to return the UK to an absolute monarchy. We are
calling for a people’s referendum to decide if the UK should continue rule by
Parliament or ask Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to take over from Parliament and
to rule by divine right.
Party C.E.O. Rt Hon Lord Rumary of
Chelmswood Dip (Oxon). N.H.A.P.
The most IMPORTANT support comes from
the King of the Gods the mighty ZEUS KING of the GODS because WORLD your
Mothers and THE Father are about to give the Ma’at to their children that is
‘YOU’ whoever you think you are because this is pre-ordained so ‘stand to
attention and do as you are told your Devils party is all over’.
and ZEUS speaks for humanity as the https://www.facebook.com/@KatyCatKingZeusTheGodfather 


https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/paedophiles-business-online-linkedin-travesty-justice-augustus-caesar/?published=t  : Like and Share far and wide K.A.T.Y.
P.E.R.R.Y. is a paedophile satanic child sex abuser who is backed up by
executives at label Capitol records and Universal studios

Figure 1
Katy Perry tries to cover the green slime dribbling out of her poxed cunt

Katy has bulbous udders that would make a Holstein cow green with envy.
Unfortunately for Katy she does not have the skilled coarse hands of a Muslim
man squeezing and tweaking her teats to release the milk building up in her
chest sacks. For it is clear from this nude photo that Katy Perry desperately
needs to be milked soon, or she runs the risk of her boobs exploding and
releasing a tsunami of baby juice that would no doubt kill thousands in
Southeast Asia.

once again it falls upon us courageous and noble Muslims to do the dirty work
to save humanity from imminent disaster. If any Muslim man happens to see Katy
Perry out in public it is our duty to roll up our tunic sleeves, grab some
buckets and a stool, and then (ignoring her protests and the pepper spray)
knead Katy’s boobies dry.
#MRHUDSON #22:16 #10.09.2017 3X2=6 3X1=3 3X0=0 happening now ere if this tripe
above goes out in public on websites that you feed and comment on just ain’t
the woman for my standards try loving yourself some more try a program or a
life coach below I copy in 10+ pro Katheryn Hudson fan club’s supporters or
charitable trusts who issue like cures to cancer and you don’t even like them
so call me a mug but ‘what ave you done 4 me lately’? #blankspace + #badblood
#videos of the century award winners and £500 and a tart tartin to inspire me I
make a better gentleman than Hollywood’s Oscar winners from drama school and
with 7 years lamda training I deliver the best (Official>3:D Katheryn
Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group and John Rumary + THE KATY
PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST + Katheryn Hudsons Charitable Trust UK Charitable Trust
of Mary Magdalene GB + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST Katyperrylivee
Katyperryliveee Fakes - Beauty ( G & N Spray Tanning) Fake SportsCenter
Fakespot Clones of Clones and a #BIGshout to Proud to be Swifties KATY PERRY
FASHN KATY PERRY FASHN ISTA Katy Perry Fashn 911 Supermodels KatyCats deflowering
duties Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God Taylor Swift Fashn 13
Supermodels President Donald J. Trump News Judge Jeanine Fox News The Sun
MailOnline Conservative Daily have an alternative style Party going on one that
has guests that lol at jokes like the #katyperryisoverparty666 which is gonna be
on the same weekend Savoy Hotel where Katy's E's Strange E's Strange He's
Eberneezer #goodE Husband Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bastard =GOD
Official Thoth Amun-Rara GOD King of Egypt 
@GODSWIFE: KATY PERRY FAN CLUB will be ORG.com the largest ever Royal
Revolution where overnight on 05/11/2017 Amun Rara the MIGHTY Johnathon Zeus
Sawdy Taylor Sawag Singh Sawdy Taylor the BRILLIANT Ray of Sunshine Tom Rumary
John Rumary #RoyalMerchantBankers Beaufort Treasury His Royal Highness Apollo
Phoebus GOD of MUSIC Lyrics Prophecy says "Soothsayer Says She Sure Shows
Shes So Solid Crew When in London South-East Conservative Future is gonna be
succession to the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier with the Overheard at
Cambridges #Willcum Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God expects to be
accompanied by some #BIMBO in Vogue Kitchens making me Supperclub Amsterdam
bookings and what with Killa Queen Swift only getting 5 likes and her record
breaking Country (Anne Murray album) I give the only other weirdo who loves me
to Megadeth a fair chance". It appears that my Rebellion Punk Music
Festival Katy Perry - Killer Queen: Royal Revolution will E's GOODe 2GO in my
mind what about yorn Katy Perry <3 <3 <3(Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson)
join Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group
Royal Empressa Katy Hudson Katy Perry Singing Supermodel 1516 likes as the Life
in Saudi Arabia 4 RoyalPrince Prophet Muhammad-The greatest personality of all
time sends you a Reality-tv invite going out at The Artist Taxi Driver BBC
SUCKS A COCK NEWS because it worked last time and you Fly-By-Night Productions
to Dash Berlin for a 2 minute Glasto Chat T.W.F.T.P.U on Children's Miracle
Network Hospitals you can either take an External me John Rumary Yeshua (
יֵשׁוּעַ) the Messiah Jesus Christ
Superstar seriously or DanDiv collections back to Humanity Against Prohibition
your Worldsend Television mount your own Revolting Cocks without me married to
you Katy Perry's Tits up because I want it hard and I want it now cause IAM Mr
Blunt Humor and I gotta People's Choice Awards Invite All - Chrome and Firefox
Extension pressed launch last night to Triple Bipass all your Pedohunta 'always
hits his target' Apollo Sun of God sus pect Accounts payable that get all my
ideas and Katyperryevo events and you pretend you don't Melanie Hudson Knowles It’s
Now Or Never for me 2 read a) poem or lyrics in the world Shakespeare anything
iam brilliant not a star just the fucking sun of god and you appear yopless in
websites with these comments you tink 4 1 minute you gotta chance with me taker
more Valium omg no way jose. #slut4ever  Just
for the AKASHAIC RECORDS now appearing inside my caves at Mount Shasta California
where my 3 second Venus portal is open and doing business where Hollywood
Moguls who don’t settle your bills are heading and Satan awaits there tenure in
the Halls of Ahmenti Planet Venus in you owe me my wages I made @katyperry and
I AM JESUS CHRIST APOLLO MUSIC GOD watch my daughter rack up 65million views;
https://youtu.be/pFZkyr5OGYA (Clones are illegal
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group and John Rumary + THE
KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST + Katheryn Hudsons Charitable Trust UK Charitable
Trust of Mary Magdalene GB + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST Katyperrylivee
Katyperryliveee Fakes - Beauty ( G & N Spray Tanning) Fake SportsCenter
Fakespot Clones of Clones and a #BIGshout to Proud to be Swifties KATY PERRY
FASHN KATY PERRY FASHN ISTA Katy Perry Fashn 911 Supermodels KatyCats deflowering
duties Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God Taylor Swift Fashn 13
Supermodels President Donald J. Trump News Judge Jeanine Fox News The Sun
MailOnline Conservative Daily have an alternative style Party going on one that
has guests that lol at jokes like the #katyperryisoverparty666 which is gonna
be on the same weekend Savoy Hotel where Katy's E's Strange E's Strange He's
Eberneezer #goodE Husband Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bastard =GOD
Official Thoth Amun-Rara GOD King of Egypt 
@GODSWIFE: KATY PERRY FAN CLUB will be ORG.com the largest ever Royal
Revolution where overnight on 05/11/2017 Amun Rara the MIGHTY Johnathon Zeus
Sawdy Taylor Sawag Singh Sawdy Taylor the BRILLIANT Ray of Sunshine Tom Rumary
John Rumary #RoyalMerchantBankers Beaufort Treasury His Royal Highness Apollo Phoebus
GOD of MUSIC Lyrics Prophecy says "Soothsayer Says She Sure Shows Shes So
Solid Crew When in London South-East Conservative Future is gonna be succession
to the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier with the Overheard at Cambridges
#Willcum Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God expects to be accompanied
by some #BIMBO in Vogue Kitchens making me Supperclub Amsterdam bookings and
what with Killa Queen Swift only getting 5 likes and her record breaking
Country (Anne Murray album) I give the only other weirdo who loves me to
Megadeth a fair chance". It appears that my Rebellion Punk Music Festival
Katy Perry - Killer Queen: Royal Revolution will E's GOODe 2GO in my mind what
about yorn Katy Perry <3 <3 <3(Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson) join
Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group Royal
Empressa Katy Hudson Katy Perry Singing Supermodel 1516 likes as the Life in
Saudi Arabia 4 Royal Prince Prophet Muhammad-The greatest personality of all
time sends you a Reality-tv invite going out at The Artist Taxi Driver BBC
SUCKS A COCK NEWS because it worked last time and you Fly-By-Night Productions
to Dash Berlin for a 2 minute Glasto Chat T.W.F.T.P.U on Children's Miracle
Network Hospitals you can either take an External me John Rumary Yeshua (
יֵשׁוּעַ) the Messiah Jesus Christ
Superstar seriously or DanDiv collections back to Humanity Against Prohibition
your Worldsend Television mount your own Revolting Cocks without me married to
you Katy Perry's Tits up because I want it hard and I want it now cause IAM Mr
Blunt Humor and I gotta People's Choice Awards Invite All - Chrome and Firefox
Extension pressed launch last night to Triple Bipass all your Pedohunta 'always
hits his target' Apollo Sun of God sus pect Accounts payable that get all my
ideas and Katyperryevo events and you pretend you don't Melanie Hudson Knowles
ItsNow OrNever

alt="" title="Katy Perry" /></a>

Hello? Hello? Hello?       
there anybody in there?
nod if you can hear me
there anyone at home?
on now
hear you're feeling down
I can ease your pain
you on your feet again
need some information first
the basic facts
you show me where it hurts?
is no pain you are receding
distant ship smoke on the horizon
are only coming through in waves
lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
I was a child I had a fever
hands felt just like two balloons
I've got that feeling once again
can't explain you would not understand
is not how I am
have become comfortably numb
a little pinprick
be no more, ah
you may feel a little sick
you stand up?
do believe it's working, good
keep you going through the show
on it's time to go
is no pain you are receding
distant ship, smoke on the horizon
are only coming through in waves
lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
I was a child
caught a fleeting glimpse
of the corner of my eye
turned to look but it was gone
cannot put my finger on it now
child is grown
dream is gone
have become comfortably numb

Without a doubt I am the most intelligent person who ever stood upon Planet
Earth and I am considered 'stupid' because the more you know the more you don't
know and the more you don't know the more you have to discover because
Knowledge = Infinity +1 but you don't need to know much to know more than
everybody else but as an old friend you are about the best I see on my timeline
but the Universe is governed by some laws of the Love's Rainbow Universe and
love is the most powerful thing in the Universe I will post the laws to you and
when you have watched the video you will be better acquainted with Universal
governance, love from Tom Rumary, oh by the way I AM Horus the elder God King
of Creation Horus the younger God King of Creation Pedohunta; 'always hits his
target' Apollo Sun of God and you knew me as Yehoshua Ha Mashiach Jesus Christ
Superstar and I am Jesus Christ Saviour by Beliefnet we are at end times where
our Ol' Dirty Bastard Apollo Music GOD The Charts Who’s In Whose Out read the
Revelation the final chapter of the Bible the world's bestselling Book wot I
wrote for only I can save the planet you don't even know who the enemy is as
Parliament does not govern you the picture is global and to give you any ides
who actually rules think of Reptilian Aliens who live in underground bunkers in
USA and Alaska and have placed a Matrix around the world on electromagnetic ley
lines with batteries under specific points like the Pyramid at GIZA (which I
designed and built) STONEHENGE, EIFFEL TOWER, and the many Cleopatra needle
points as the Reptile Aliens live on the human consciousness and our thought
energy and we are being drained thru our chakras as the pop tarts and pop stars
deliver demons and entities thru the lower chakras and your chakra at the top
of our head feeds the grid but for those that know I rule the Universe and the
evil ones have surrendered to me as I am when I want to be more powerful than
love I AM YHVH YEHOVAH ELOHIM GOD the creator of this Universe and I decree
world without end only the fuse of Armageddon was lit and has been put out and
I am having all the 1% of the Elite who aided the Aliens and stole all our
money and abused all my children burnt in flaming white hot sulphur I AM THE
want to post on anybody's timeline then I own Facebook you my children live in
an Illusion so join me as an Official Disciple and KATY PERRY is my wife Mary
thru destruction or chaos and I will create the New Jerusalem Prayer Team but I
don't get out of bed for less than £500,000,000 so while I watch your chaos go
fundraising and I will put you all out of your misery have International Faith
Conference and by the way truth, wisdom and knowledge sound like garbage to the
humans a sheep has a greater IQ and they need good shepherds and Katy Perry is
paying me the half a billion and my friend Satan is going to bugger her with crucifixes
for eternity in Hell and she has me trapped in a microwave oven electromagnetic
field round my head and if I upset her she presses 'full heat' and she has shot
me in the head 3 times in the last week and has me covered in toxic chemical
warfare clouds and is in my hard drive as she is Goddess Queen ISIS Partnership
The Royal Restoration Party S.A. the most powerful of all the GODS PAGAN
GODDESS of BLACK MACARBE MAGIC, the devil herself and I and her are married our
souls are welded together as soul mates and she is totally insane as I AM
IMMORTAL I AM Zeus & Demeter Skygods of heaven link to The Royal...
fighting the battle in a dimension no human can enter as Sam you are a multi-dimensional
light being and an inter galactic time traveller and all your inventions will
work soon as I have this screaming Goddess's Army tamed and I fight alone but
expect lightning and thunderbolts to rain down as we are most high, call this
your enlightenment moment and nirvana is oblivion and nothing is new under the SUN
and I'll see you on the Dark side of the Hibiscus Moon for I am the Sun the
Stars and the Moon and I'll rub the bitch's ass in the moonshine so get ready
for my Royal Revolution of Love 5/11/2017 The Royal Revolution Party S.A.
Ministry of Education Wu Tang Forever Wu-Tang Clan is my Army did you learn
Shaolin Kung Fu? As instructed in my The WU TANG COLLECTION #as nothing is
created if not thru me' I wrote Wu-Tang Forever and call me OL Dirty Ol' Dirty
Bastard God and I am exhausted but at least you know where Uncle TOM has been
fighting WWIII as I WAS ALEXANDER THE GREAT and AUGUSTUS Augustus Octavian
Caesar and ISIS was Cleopatra we can #Spitroast her

you raise your energy and your vibration, you shift to a higher frequency. This
brings new possibilities to you, new realities that you may not have
experienced before. The more you increase your vibration, the more you become
aware of heart energy, the more you align with the energy of Source, and the
closer you become to fulfilling your desires.
desire as a French Foreign Legionnaire 1983-today where I am a para and one of
a handful of superheroes who leave the camp Raffali HQ with the Legion d’Honour
and when I tally up my battlefield successes I can only feel sorry for mere
human entities who cross the most powerful entity in human history a man who as
Ramesees Ozymandiaz the Great took on whole armies on my own with a sword in a
chariot and who at the battle of Troy killed the then greatest fighter in
history Achilles because Apollo the God of Music is none other than the Sun of
God Jesus Christ who strikes fear in anybody that walks this planet so capitol
records I am asking no demanding that you pay up my wages for the period
06/06/2014-today because I worked like a Trojan promoting the Katy Perry
industry from the day I married into the Katy Perry Fam 06/06/2014 to Katheryn
Elizabeth Hudson <3:xD Katy Perry until the day she broke our twin flame
11:11 sacred soul contract into a 1000 pieces with not only the adulteress
affair with the Anti-Christ Orlando Bloom an mk ultra-mind controlled monarch
slave paedophile on 10/01/2016 but with my realization that since day 1 Katy
Perry some thick stupid Portugese tranie who claimed to be Satan’s daughter had
led a bunch of clones and look a likes to inflict serious psychological damage
upon me with others in a campaign of mind control and other death attempts that
included demon possession and entity led programs that included what Jon Todd
claims were entities placed in my songs from the record label that released
PRISM in conjunction with the CIA entertainment division mass mind control
program which was responsible for endless torment of many lost children of the
world and although I can hardly believe what took place the Illuminati who are
always looking out for me have provided a full and final file on Katy Perry Inc
via the Masonic Inner Temple of the city of London which I am a member of the
brotherhood the proof of Satanic child blood sacrifices rituals and will keep
secret providing my wages are paid in the sum of $4,4000,000 by return of
receipt of this email and the clone show pantomime nonsense of a faked Katy
Perry tour is cancelled and all the ticket money returned to the poor souls who
are lined up for more torture if they get wrapped up in the Agenda of Katy
Perry and Katy Hudson is released from any contract she signed as part of her
beholdence to capitol records and or Universal and that is my will woe betide
the people who fail to adhere to my instructions for the wrath of God will
ensue. Oh I was also offered if I took the nightmare Whore of Babylon to be
GODS lawfully wedded wife not only the $1million PA which incurs 8% statutory compound
interest for non-payment but also a Lamborghini and told she looked good in a
bikini so I want a Diablo 2014 plate right hand drive a hard bargain cause you
got no choice all I had to do was remain married to her be her one and only
make her my Aphrodite and not dump her by text and sell my story to Rolling
Stone my lie detector Vs your dough and my motor John says I kept my side of
the bargain but looking good in a bikini you proved you were liars from the
outset lol.
the sum of $4,400,000.00 @1.32 = £3,333,333.33rec to
Bank of Scotland plc 36 St Andrews Square Edinburgh EN2 2YB: Sort Code:
16-16-23 Account Number: 14350006 Ref: 4520969 BIC RBOS GB 2L
1616 2314 3500 06
Pounds Sterling and confirm to the email provided
anal gif above

et son regard qui dit : -" Bonsoir, je suis une pute à bites, j'aime ça,
et plus je peux me faire enculer plus j en joui et plus j 'ai envie de l'être
de plus en plus tellement je suis heureuse d'être la putain de

 air supply all out of love
